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No. Title Authors Year Component Awarded Organization Supervising Officer File
1 Public Expenditure Review (2000/01) of the Health and Population Sector Programme Md. Abul Qasem 2002 HEU
2 Projecting the cost of the Essential Service Package Tim Ensor, Shawkat Ferdousi, Atia Hossain, Md. Abul Qasem. 2001 HEU
3 The current costs of essential health services - a study of government facilities Shawkat Ali Ferdousi, Md. Abul Qasem. 2001 HEU
4 Funding health care in Bangladesh – assessing the impact of new and existing financing Tim Ensor, Atia Hossain, Nigel Miller ,Md. Abul Qasem. 2001 HEU
5 Financing the health and population sector – resource projections Nigel Miller, Md. Abul Qasem 2001 HEU